Beitragvon Mr Knowitall » Mo 25. Okt 2010, 16:54
Hey Scott,
Do you think that given the fact that you mic the speaker right on the cone, and that you turn the amp up real bright and turn your tone knobs on your guitar way down low, that when people ask you for the exact settings on your pedals and stuff that those settings don't really translate to a more common setup?
Absolutely. If you used my settings with the guitar tone on 10, you'd cut your brain in half. Also, I always turn down the treble on the PA and the monitors. I've compared micing the paper with the PA flat, but I much prefer micing the cone and cutting some highs on the PA.
For my Marshall cab with Greenbacks, I just put a 57 right in the cone of the speaker, about an inch away from the grille. On the 4x10 cabinets with Kendrick Blackframes, I put the mic on the paper right next to the cone.
To get a fat soloing tone, I get a bright sound from the amp, but roll down the tone quite a bit on the guitar - for other sounds I move the mike around and vari the guitar tone. Putting the mic in the cone will get you the biggest sound, but it's too hairy unless the guitar tone is rolled down. Lots of guys keep the tone up on the guitar, mic the paper and compensate by turning up the bass and treble on the amp with very little mid, and that sounds cool too, but I've been doing it the reverse way for such a long time that it just feels like "my tone".